Home Products Wire crimping machine Benchtop Wire Crimping Machine

The semi-automatic wire crimping model includes a modern technology that offers new standards with enhanced quality and speed. The universal press allows the use of all standard crimping tools. The integrated crimp force monitoring in conjunction with bad part cutters features guarantee the highest possible quality.

Setting up the machine is easy and requires little space. Its flexibility allows convenient fitting with different outputs to improve the overall output of any existing (compatible) setup.

Additionally, the benchtop wire crimping machine is incredibly fast with amazing features. They include:

- Portable

- Rapid cycle time

- Energy-efficient and easy-to-use

- Short changeover and set-up time

- Programmable crimp height

- User-friendly user interface

- Reliability

- High production capacity

The benchtop wire crimping machine is indeed an optional programmable stripping device with unique features that support an operator-independent functionality with guaranteed high-quality of the pre-fabricated line – all of which distinguishes this semi-automatic machine.

The setting machine is stable and requires little space. It offers more flexibility in its application; fitting with different furnace types and different outputs – easily adaptable for use in old factories to improve the existing production line.

Depending on the model, there are other features. They include:

- Customizable machine functions

- Dynamic cable diameter holes

While there are lots of quick-change crimping tools from different manufacturers, our range of benchtop wire-crimping machines offers some of the best options in the industry for an even more streamlined and efficient workflow. There are also semi-automatic models that have monitoring sensors to ensure a smoother workflow.


Do you need a reliable benchtop wire crimping manufacturer and supplier in China with premium quality and cheap semi-automatic wire crimping machine? Contact us today to buy a benchtop wire crimping machine.

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