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Wire Harnesses in Motorcycle

2020/03/04 17:46:30

The need for wire harnesses in Motorcycle

The overall outlook of the motorcycle seems to be the most captivating aspect of it whole existence and build to users and people who do not seek to understand the driving forces behind this. When a motorcycle is started either through the kick or the paddle starter, it is expected to respond and perform the expected. Thus, it can be rightly said that the most overlooked, forgotten and avoided aspect of building and understanding the concept of a custom motorcycles has to be its electrical system. More so, it is general knowledge that various parts of the machine come together to ensure the overall function of the motorcycle is achieved. The break, the engine, the fuel tank, the kick and so on, all have their specific functions, but the electrical system ensures that they are work seamlessly without hitch. The electrical system of a motorcycle describes the configuration and node to node arrangements of the wire component of the motorcycle. To get a device full functional, a number of wires are needed and same is the requirements for a motorcycle. If there’s however an attempt to “let flow" of all these wires that make up the motorcycle, it would be become an ugly sight and it really won’t be possible for this bulky amount of wires to fit into the motorcycles physical build. This brought about the use of harnesses. Harness help the wires maintain their duty while fitting into a perfectly arranged bundle.

What is a wire harness?

A wire harness is an assembly of electrical wires that are used for the transmission of frequencies or electrical power. These wires are usually bound together by materials such as rubber, electrical tape, conduit or a combination of all listed materials. By harnessing wires, they are better secured against the adverse effects of abrasions and moisture. It also enhance the optimal use of space. Wire harness are used in automobiles, construction, machinery as it possesses several advantages over scattered wires and cables.

Concept of Motorcycle wire Harness

As known, technology has spread its tentacles into every industry and even the hidden cockles of some sectors. The auto world hasn’t been left out in this, with newer models of cars and motorcycles utilizing the best face of technology that exist in their build. Designs are made and the wiring make up is also added to get the perfect description of any motorcycle even before they are built. Also, motorcycles are becoming to have even more specialized types and designs and through this possess wiring that involve a technical side to their arrangement. Wire harnesses in motorcycle helps to connect the various components into one governing system through the use of circuits. It helps to come turn wires of the electrical and electronics devices of the motorcycle into a singular system. The wiring of the motorcycles is a strategic process and it all starts with just a wire. Connecting various wires to the proper places and attaching labels to them for easy identification. The wires are subjected to a wire crimping machine that attaches a terminal at the edge of the wire, this will help in their connection to circuits and enhance interconnectivity of similarly functioning wires. However, there is need to highlight and cut the wires to their required length using a wire cutting machine so as to ensure there is no shortage.

The overall process of motorcycle wiring is like a stringed circle, where power transfers from a point to the other. The start and end being the two sides of the battery. The power leaves the terminal of the battery and charges up whatever will requires the power and ends up back at the opposite terminal of the battery.

Reasons for Motorcycle wire harness

·      Avoidance of electrical circuit shorts: a wired system is a delicate one and if one mistake is done in the overall process, it can put the whole system in jeopardy. Therefore, wires in a motorcycle are harnessed to prevent shorting since all the wires are measure, cut and crimped before they are put together in the bundle.

·      Improved efficiency all year round: motorcycle due to their lack of a lot of body works are subjected to a lot of vibration that can cause wear and tear for the insulation of its wires, however, when harnessed into a single bundle; they can withstand the vibration and direct sunlight causing them to maintain perfect efficiency all through the seasons.

·      Uniform power usage: through the harness process, all components are connected to a control system which is usually the battery. This enable the use of power when the control system is on through ignition and all activities are stopped when the ignition is off, leading to a lower risk of power crumble

Guide to a perfect motorcycle wire harness

Terminal crimping:

The wires in the motorcycle system are of various types and functions. Therefore, to ensure synergy of power, harnessing is done. Through this, wires are connected, these wires need their ends to be crimped (adding of terminals). Which aids their attachment to circuits. At Cheers electronic technical limited, we take pure caution in crimping the wires for your motorcycle to ensure smooth running of the system.

Identifying and Fixing the stress points

There are sections on the running wire that will be weighted, therefore, it is imperative to identify them and use a material such as pigtail to take the load off the terminals. Therefore reducing stress on the wires.

Wire harnessing

this is the point of bundling the wires of similar functionality together into an insulation bundle. It helps protect them from moist and reduces the space that could have been taken if the wires were allowed to left fly. You can imagine a motorcycle that has wires all over it, that’s what you will get without harnesses. At Cheers electronics, we perfectly bundle these wires, after taking a proper check on the individual wire insulators to ensure there is no opening. We ensure to use the best insulator material depending on your motorcycle model and needs.


Although, the design of building or rewiring a motorcycle is already drawn out, routing these wires through the machines build requires a lot of care. At cheers electronics, we carefill route the wires away from heat sources and other dangerous areas of the machine.


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