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Cheers Electronic Technical Co., LTD 

With 30 years of experience in manufacturing a wide range of industrial machines, Cheers Electronic Technical Co., Ltd has a strong R & D team that works to manufacture modernized machines which meet the requirements of the current generation manufacturing industries.
Cheers Electronic Technical Co., Ltd has its headquarters in Shanghai, China. The company sells a wide array of cable crimping, harnessing, and cutting machines. Also, they have been in the industry for quite a long time and the company focuses on providing customized machines depending on the requirements of every sector. Industrial processes usually require consistent research and development (R & D).

Cheers Electronic Technical Co., LTD based in China has three-decade of specialized experience in manufacturing of wide range wiring harness equipments. With highly experienced and prestigious R & D Department, Company is the wiring harness industry navigator who has developed a wide range wire harness machines to suit the latest requirements of home appliance, toy, medical instrument, automotive electric industry.Company provides the most reliable connection, all for your safety.

Wire Terminal Crimping Machine

A wire crimping machine tool is simply a device that is used to bind two pieces of metal by distorting either or both of the metals, which is most often a wire, in a manner such that they are held together. A typical example of an application of wire terminal crimping is the process of joining a connector to the end of a cable, for instance, in the telecommunications industry, the crimping tool is used in joining network cables as well as phone cables.

The terminal crimping machine is related to a machine used for processing wires, whether commercially or for private use. It is also named wire crimping machine. The mode of operation of the crimping machine is that it basically applies pressure on the hardware head (the connector) and joins it to the wire end and then conducts it. The wire ends that are crimped by the terminal machine are often much more suitable for connection. The two joined wires are firmly bound together even without soldering and this makes it easy to be disbanded and separated when disassembling.

There are different classification of wire terminal crimping machines. These different types are designed with distinct specifications. They usually have specific applications and advantages, also, the procedures on how to use them achieve a particular aim also differs. The wire terminal crimping machine can be classified into fully automatic wire terminal crimping machine, wire stripping machine and crimp machine, fully automatic wire cutting and stripping machine, semi-auto wire terminal crimping machine, coaxial cable stripper machine, pneumatic wire stripper machine, pneumatic wire terminal crimping machine, small gauge wire stripping machine, cable wire stripping machine, wire crimping machine, wire terminal crimping machine, automatic wire peeling and ending machine, tube cutting machine, tape binding machine, wire feeding machine, pin machine terminal machine, gold wire terminal machine, and the others.

There are diverse ways in which wire terminal crimping machine is applied such as telecommunications. It is often considered a preferred substitute to the regular soldering process. This is mainly because there are vital benefits gotten from the use of different types and methods of wire terminal crimping machines. There are multifaceted considerations for determining which of the method is appropriate, however, the wire connections from terminal crimping are sometimes preferred for these reasons:

v  It is more convenient, less expensive and quicker to reproduce reliably in large-scale and industrial production

v  The methods are considered to have lesser dangerous or harmful processes involved in the joining of the wires to terminal heads. Unlike soldered connections which are characterised by enormous heat, potential toxic solders and tough cleaning.

v  Wire terminal crimping machine processes have a theoretical superior mechanical characteristics, this is as a result of strain relief and dearth of solder wicking

Wire terminal crimping machine performs a large number of usage such as terminating or joining wires to screw terminals, ring/spade terminals, appliances, wire splices, blade terminals, measuring device cables, etc.

There is an extensive application of wire terminal crimping. The two major applications are in electrical works and metalworking. In telecommunications and advanced technology, crimping and other related machines are used in joining network cables and phone cables to ensure strong-lasting connections. In the mechanical industry, wire terminal crimping machine is commonly applied in fixing bullets inside the cartridge cases. It is also used to make a tough bond between a metallic workpiece and a non-metallic component. These processes are mostly cold-working techniques and therefore are effective in safeguarding lids on metal food cans.

This is also applicable in the fashion industry. During the manufacturing of jewelleries, secure joints of fine and smooth wire such as utilized in clasps or tie loops, are usually made from beads and tubes that have been well crimped using several wire terminal crimping machine. This machines also have importance in the aviation and port industries. A well-crimped lead, also sometimes a soft metal seal is usually attached to firmly secure wires used to tightening fasteners in aircraft. They are also used to offer visual evidence of tampering when safeguarding a utility meter or as a seal on cargo containers.

The terminal crimping machine is also used when joining different sections of circular sheet metal pipe such as smoke pipes for wood stoves, downspouts for rain gutters or also used for the installation of ventilation ducting. The joints that are made with terminal crimping machines are effective in preventing the accumulation of dirt in the pipes.


There are various types of operations in electrical engineering which requires appropriate tools to carry out. The simple trick in getting work done faster and more importantly, excellently done well is to use the correct tool per operations. A standard electrical engineering workshop will have in its store a range of machines, and tools which if not understood properly might cause misuse of machines. Knowing what machine does is a very important aspect of the electrical workshop. Some machines might confuse the engineer because they seem like the job can be done with any kind of machine. A professional engineer knows that there are specifications for each engineering job and getting the job done without error is dependent on the knowledge base of the engineer about the job and the excellent use of machines across operations in the engineering workshop.

In this article, our aim is to sure that such mistakes of using the wrong tools for the right job are avoided. We want engineers to know that even though it seems that some engineering operations can be done across various tools and equipment, there is always the right tool or machine for each job and we'll be looking at Cable and Wire Stripping machines. 


A wire stripping machine is engineering equipment that is used to cut out neatly, the insulation materials wrapping around an electrical wire. In the old engineering days, stripping of cable wires used to be tedious especially if the length of the wire is long. It takes a lot of engineering work time and causes fatigue in the end. To this end, some engineers dedicate the first days of an engineering job to stripping sufficient length of wire such that subsequent activity will not be delayed. While the work is going off course, an engineer is still dedicated to continuing the manual stripping. The advent of thewire stripping machine brought a lot of relief and comfort to engineers because they could now get more done in less time as against the period of manual wire stripping.

At this point, it is important to note that there is a clear cut difference between a wire stripping machine and a cable stripping machine. Even though we find some individuals using the terms interchangeably but the difference between them.is clear.

A cable stripping machine is a specialized tool that is needed to have a knowledge of the strip gaps between the insulator and the cable. For example, a Triax cable has a different layer of insulation, shielding, and multi-conductors. The cable stripping machine determines how deep the cut should be such that the cables don't get peeled or bruised in the process of unshielded.

A wire stripping machine is basically used to uncoat wires. The wire stripping machine can be of the v-shaped Blade which enables it to be able to cut through various thicknesses of strips of wires. No matter the wire size, a v-shaped wire stripping machine will cut through without bruising the wire's content. The alternative is a single sized stripping machine that can only work for a particular thickness of wire coats. It, therefore, means that for each wire size, a single sized machine each will be gotten. It is usually easy when an engineer knows the kind if wire size he or she will be working with the most and goes for the single-sized wire stripping machine of that size. The wire striping machine can be classified into Coaxial Wire Stripping Machine,commercial wire stripping machine,heavy duty wire stripping machine,large wire stripping machine,small gauge wire stripping machine,benchtop wire stripping machine,pneumatic cable stripper and so on.

Currently, the market is flooded with various kinds of stripping coaxial stripping machines from various manufacturers make it very difficult to decide which one does the job effectively well. To get the best coaxial cable stripping tool, you as an engineer must first know for what purpose are you getting a wire stripping machine. Is it a one-off operation or you're looking to set up a workshop? Will you be getting a multidimensional wire stripping machine or a single sized wire stripping machine? There are a whole lot of factors to consider before getting a wire stripping machine but we have put together three that can guide you to get the best type of wire stripping machine you want.


The purpose of the wire stripping machine is the most important thing. It will be bad enough to just get a wire stripping machine only to see that it doesn't fit the purpose to which it was purchased. Decide on what the machine is going to be used for and buy machines that actually fit that purpose. Don't indulge and buy what is not needed because of the hyped brand or captivating branding. Be very specific with the features you want and go for them straight up. Make sure that all your purpose checklist is ticked out before walking out of the engineering store.


It is important that the wire stripping machine you are getting is actually a specific to your  skills. You should not get machines that you can't operate. Make sure that the stripping machine is to your skills or rather that there is a resource person or material that can get you through the operation of the machine. It is possible to have the right tool and still have bad job outcomes because there is a lack of operating expertise.


Before you launch into the market to get you to wire stripping machine, the best way to cut through the complexities of brands and their delusional branding is to get reviews from co-engineers who have already got their hands on a few of those coaxial stripping tool and can then vouch for the best one that has served them right. Note that your purpose might be different from theirs and as such, you should listen with an open mind. Take in their reviews and use them to make your decisions. It is always better to get reviews from more than two engineers about a machine or the brand. The best and fastest way to get reviews, however, is online. There are tons of information about the best coaxial stripping tool available in a click. Some are even available in videos for you to see in action.

Products Types

The several types of wire crimping machine includes benchtop, automatic, semi-automatic, fully automatic, pneumatic, manual, automatic ferrule and wire, aluminium, steel and electrical wire crimping machine.

The wire stripping machine are of different types which include; commercial wire stripping peeling machine, heavy duty wire stripping peeling machine, large wire stripping machine, small gauge wire stripping machine and benchtop wire stripping machine, wire skinning machine

A wire stripping machine is designed to have V-sharp blades which is used to strip numerous different wire sizes, sometimes the wire stripping machine manufacturers make it to be a single size stripping machine. What is of great necessity is to ensure that the right size of stripping machine for the suitable wire. As the negative implication of neglecting this could be not cutting through the wire insulation or cutting into the wire, thereby causing a weak spot.

There are various types of cable stripping machine for particular applications. These types are industrial cable stripping machine, coax cable stripping machine, coaxial, automatic, pneumatic, manual wire, fibre optic, copper wire, twin and earth and ribbon cable stripping machine.

Different types of pneumatic crimping machine tools includes, pneumatic wire, pneumatic hose, pneumatic ferrule, pneumatic cable, and pneumatic terminal crimping machine tool.

Other related machines that are also used with the wire terminal crimping machine to ensure a safe and effective process are the tube cutting machine, wire crimp pull testers, wire feeding machine and the tape binding machine.

Examples of tube cutting machine tools include automated tube cutting machine, small tube cutting machine, high speed tube cutting machine, flexible tube cutting machine, corrugated tube cutting machine and the PVC tube cutting machine.

In pursuit of the spirit of "Reliable connection all for your safety",Cheers is committed to provide stable and efficient wiring harness machine for automoble, electronics and home appliances.Cheers pursue quality first, innovative development, service upmost.
Welcome to your negotiation, visit, and enquiry at any time. We are always at your service.

Cheers Electronic Technical Co., Ltd has its headquarters located in Shanghai, China. From our website, you are able to see the wide array of cable crimping, harnessing, and cutting machines that we offer. Being present in the industry for more than 30 years, we have gained experience in providing customized machines depending on the requirement of every sector.

With our experience gained from serving different customers from different sectors, Cheers Electronic Technical Co., Ltd has invested in a strong R & D team that works to manufacture modernized machines which meet the requirements of the current generation manufacturing industries.


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