Home Products Wire crimping machine Automatic Wire Cutting Stripping And Crimping Machine

For processes where large cables need to be handled reliably and accurately, our range of automatic wire cutting stripping and crimping machine is the right choice. These machines offer superior cutting and feeding forces, versatile applications and service comfort. The precise and delicate working style allows the models to process a wide assortment of cables including those with cross-sections of 0.5 mm, which means high versatility.

It guarantees an accurate circular cut of the insulation or cable shielding. Many parameters, for example, the depth of cut, the number of revolutions of the knife or the feed of the knife, are freely set and provide an invariably optimal processing result for various material requirements.

Some automatic terminal crimping machine models provide options for connecting additional devices for expansion and integration into an automated production line. Other series are equipped with new generation motors that create high pulling power.

To ensure an automatic workflow, sensors monitor the movement of the material and interrupt automatic operation in the absence of material. Other sensors check the progress and stop the machine in the event of a material jam. This allows the operator to engage in other duties while the fully automatic wire crimping machine independently performs the cable processing task.

General Features Includes:

- Powerful work style

- Multi-knife cutting system

- Dynamic cutting for perfect results

- Modern management

- Add-on capability/Extended functionality

- Easily adjustable cut length and strip length

- Different working modes for different types of wires


Wires, tangled wires, stripping of insulation with full or partial tightening, stripping of insulation with “windows”, cut to measured lengths, removal of the sheath of multi-core cables.


As China’s trusted automatic terminal crimping machine manufacturer and supplier, we are vast in the distribution of reliable and cheap fully automatic wire crimping machine for sale.

Contact us today, to buy a fully automatic wire crimping machine at the most attractive price. ORDER YOURS NOW!!

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