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We specialize in the manufacture and supply of various models testing devices including wire crimp pull testers, wire terminal tester and horizontal terminal pulling force tester (a type of testing device that is widely used by the wiring harness and electronic industry) are of which find an assortment of applications across all types of wire terminals.


The general features vary depending on your choice of the testing device and the purpose for which it would be used. They include:

-        Compact Design

-        Special Stability Effect

-        Precise Controlling

-        High Test Accuracy

-        Convenient Sample Clamping

-        Simple Operation, etc.

-        Dedicated high-performance

-        Destructive and non-destructive testing

-        Excellent operability

-        Easy-to-read LCD display

It is an ideal tool for the wiring harness industry as it provides the required tool for ensuring product quality.


-        Various models are designed to measure a wide range of parameters including the bridge forces of crimping connections, weld connections, and many other applications.

-        Simple LCD display for easy programming and reading

-        Provides curve analysis and standard interface

Our handheld wire crimp tester can be used in any application that requires a portable solution to verify the quality of the crimp, including automotive, commercial, contract manufacturing, design/engineering facilities, and industrial market applications. Many shipbuilding facilities have large manufacturing sites and are responsible for quality assurance by multiple departments and may require multiple fixed tensile testers. This portable tool allows shipbuilders to reduce their investment in fixed equipment by purchasing portable tools. Thanks to its portability, the instrument is an ideal tool for the manufacture of marine equipment.


As China’s trusted manufacturer and supplier of various models of quality Wire Crimp Tensile Tester, we offer reliable tester devices for a wide range of crimp terminals and wires – providing consistent inspection of crimp tension and reducing any potential quality issues. ORDER NOW!!

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