Home Products other products Tape & Cable Binding machine

Our range of premium quality and highly-efficient tape binding machine for sale and cable binder machines offer the most ideal and time-saving options for performing an assortment of cable binding tasks. As China’s no.1 manufacturer and supplier of various models of cable binding machine, our products are stable, very easy to operate, and convenient-to-use – making our variety of tape binder system and cable binding machines the most user-friendly binder machine options in the market.


-        Portable, quick, and reliable

-        Cost-effective

-        Suitable for cable harness production facilities

-        Adjustable feeder speed

-        Fully automatic cable binder machine

-        Easily customizable binding for maximum results


Depending on the model, the machine can bind cable automatically. Each machine is capable of replacing 3 or 4 workers’ input. Thereby enhancing your overall output and efficiency.

Our automatic cable binder machine is widely used in electronics, toys, gifts, agriculture, and food industry; as well as in large factories for binding large amounts of cable materials, and for solving low-efficiency problems in the factory.

Need a reliable and durable quality cable binding machine manufacturer and supplier in China?

With a wide assortment of cable binding machine options and tape binding machine for sale, you can count on us to meet your custom needs. Our products are equipped with the latest tape and cable binding technology to fulfill a variety of today's applications with maximum flexibility, minimal changeover time and low costs - quickly and very easily.

Additionally, all machine functions/parameters and information of the automatic models are user-friendly. They can be programmed and displayed via the convenient touch-screen display.


We provide your customers with the safest and most reliable products and services of tape and cable binding machines that meet their specific requirements. ORDER NOW!!

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