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What is Cable Harness?

2019/11/19 13:58:18

A cable harness, which is also referred to as wire harness, is a joint of electrical cables or wires which is used for the transmission of electrical power or electronic signals.  Long-lasting materials such as vinyl, conduit, and rubber are often used to bind the cable harness together. The binding wires or cables together helps to protect them against abrasions, vibrations, and moisture, hence, maintaining its durability and safety. The harnessing of wires offers the optimization of space and helps to utilize a large mass of wire which extends over a long distance. Cable harness is applied in automobiles, construction, machinery, and so on.

Production of Cable Harness

Cable harnesses are commonly produced based on electrical and geometric requirements. For ease of production, a working or manufacturing diagram is usually provided (either on paper or on a monitor).

A special cable-cutting machine is first used to cut the wire to the desired length. A specially designed machine during the cutting process is also used to print on the wire or cable. After this, the tails of the wires are opened to expose the metal (or core) of the wires, and it is the fixed into any desired connector or terminal housing. The cables are then gathered and braced together on a special cable harness workbench, based on the required specification. This then forms the cable or wire harness.

The use of hands for the production of cable harness has generally been the base method, regardless of the introduction of advanced technologies. The manual method of manufacturing has remained the mainstay due to several production processes involved such as inserting one sleeve into another, and crimping terminals onto wires.

It is mandatory that a wire harness be produced with a terminal, as this determines how and where it will be used. The terminals of the cable harness also determines the durability, effectiveness and safety. 

Wire Harness Terminal

Wire harness terminal is metallic part that is attached to the cable or wire harness to establish an electrical connection. Wire Terminals are usually produced in various sizes and shapes based on the size of the cable or wire and the screw. Some types of Wire terminal for a cable harness comes with an insulation while other are non-insulated. The insulation on wire terminals tend to serve as a protective cover and prevents moisture, water and heat from affecting the effectiveness of the terminal. The type of project or application usually determines whether to use an insulated or non-insulated terminal. The non-insulated terminals are ordinarily used when extra protection is not needed and they are also of cheap and provide more economic value. Examples of insulation used for cable harness include nylon, polyethylene, Poly vinyl chloride (PVC), and thermoplastic rubber. It is thereby paramount to get wire terminals that are meet the requirements of your project. The various types of wire terminals include;

Ring Terminal

A ring terminal is a round-ended terminal that easily allows a screw or stud to be attached. Ring Terminals are either crimped or soldered to the wire.

Spade Terminal

Spade Terminals are also called spade connectors or fork terminals due to the shape of the terminal

Hook Terminal

Similar to the Spade Terminal, Hook Terminals are also convenient to use with an open end. Hook Terminals offer a simplistic yet durable connection for a variety of projects as well.
Quick-disconnect terminal

A quick-disconnect terminal provides convenient and reliable usage while also offering an easy connect and disconnect between two wires.
Bullet Terminals

Bullet Terminals (also called bullet terminals) make an easy, reliable and secure connection. It is simple to disconnect as well.

Butt Terminals

A Butt Terminal connects or terminates single or multiple wires. Butt Terminals help prevent abrasion and cutting.
Ferrule Terminal 

Fastening, joining, sealing, or reinforcing wires to each other. Ferrule Terminals can be used in many different applications. This is due to the many different types.
Flagged Terminals

Flag Terminals also called flag connectors to offer a convenient and secure connection. Flag terminals work well in tight spaces as well as when a quick-disconnect is too large.

Wire Harness Production Tools

The wire harness manufacturing equipments include wire cutting machine, wire stripping machine, wire crimping machine, coaxial cable cutting machine, pneumatic wire stripping machine, etc.

Industry Quality Standard

For the manufacturers and production of Wire Harness, the industry standard is the IPC-620 certification. This certification serves as a guide in training people in line with the standards of the production of cable harness. It also ensures that the process controls involved, such as crimping, stripping, soldering, etc., are well monitored to full compliance. The IPC-620 Standard recommends optimum practices and requirements for the production of cable and wire harness assemblies. Though the specifications of customers are top priorities in the production of cable harness, the standards must be followed.

Wire Harness Quality Control is principal at Cheers Electronics. We understand the need to maintain quality and high accuracy in the production of cable harness to minimise unnecessary errors, economical loss and stress, therefore we execute testing on cables and wire harness assemblies. We also proffer professional assistance on the tools and machines necessary for the production while having the overall benefit of our customers in mind.  

Test of Cable Harness

The quality and functionality of a cable harness is usually tested immediately the production is complete. This can be done by using the produced cable harness in a simulated circuit through the input of data. The cable harness’ ability to function is then measured. There is also test for the strength of a cable harness by pulling it against the minimum standard. There is also test for the electrical conductivity is check how operational and safe it is. You can also purchase machines used for testing cable harness from Cheers Electronics.

Importance of Cable Harness

Some applications in the Cable or wire Harness industry include:

  • Agriculture: Farmers and ranchers use the technology of cable harness to increasing the productivity.
  • Appliances: It facilitates the production of high performing appliances.
  • Automotive: Auto wiring harness manufacturers use high-quality wire harnesses in advanced ways
  • Computers/Electronics: It improves the support, reliability and performance of computer systems and components and electronics
  • Marine: Wire harnesses with waterproof are necessary for specifically designed operations.
  • Medical: Distinct electronic assemblies with cable harness are used in advanced medical technology.
  • Military/aerospace: Aircraft wire harness is used for major components.
Sound Engineering: The audio signals between a stage box and a mixing console is transmitted by cable harness. It is also used for modern digital mixing as it used in sound rein

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