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2020/01/10 19:22:10


Printed circuit board is a type of electronic circuit board that consists of very thin strips of conductors like coppers that have been etched on the insulated board on a fixed layer or layer out tracks for connections, with which electronic components and various electrical components are being attached to.

The recent trend of electronics from the use of relays and vacuum tubes to integrated circuits and silicon gave rise to the reduction in the cost of various electronic components. The PCB was developed to meet the needs of a reduced and portable electronic components in various devices. The PCB is configured as a composition of layers of different materials that are laminated together with the use of heat and etching liquid of a ferric chloride solution which sets it on a single surface.


The required material that is used as the base for the printed circuit board is usually made of fiberglass. And from history, the most used and the common design of the fiberglass that is used for the printed circuit board is the FR4. The PCB is made thick and rigid based on the solid core of the fiberglass. Kapton is usually required for layouts that requires high temperature in the circuit. There are some other cheaper printed circuit boards available, some of which are made from materials like phenolic or epoxies and they are less durable compared to the FR4 but they cost less. A major difference between these cheap printed circuit boards from others is the very bad smell that emanates from them when they are been soldered on.

The next layer on the PCB is a thin copper foil that is resting on the board by the means of lamination with the use of adhesive and heat. The thin copper foil is usually applied on both sides of the printed circuit board. Whereas in cheaper printed circuit boards, the copper foil would be laminated on just one side of the board. The length of the copper could vary in some circuit boards but most printed circuit boards have just 1 ounce of copper per square foot, while some printed circuit boards could have up to 2 or 3 ounces per square foot.

The next layer of the printed circuit board which is on top of the copper foil is known as the soldermask layer. The soldermask layer is responsible for providing the PCB with a green color. This portion is laid onto the layer of the thin copper foil to help in insulating the copper traces from having any form of accidental contact with any other metal, conductive materials or even solder inside the configured circuit. Any color can be used for the soldermask but it is mostly green in color to connote safety.

The silkscreen is another part of the printed circuit board. The silkscreen layer is usually white and it is applied directly at the top of the solder mask layer. The silkscreen is used to add numbers, symbols and sometimes letters on the printed circuit board which helps in easy assembling of components to enable personnel to understand the configuration on the board. The silkscreen is usually used for the indication of what each pin or terminal functions as. The silkscreen color is usually white but there are other ink colors that may be used by various designers but it is very unusual and rare to find a printed circuit board that has more than one color as the silkscreen.

For the assembling and mounting of components and electronic equipment on a printed circuit board, a wiring harness machine is required to attain a simple and well-organized connection. A group of wire that are bundled together is a wiring harness, a wiring harness machine is a machine that is employed to the bundling of wires for a straightforward connection. Wire harnessing is a procedure that is mostly used in automotive industries, electronics industries and in the construction and the manufacturing of various machines. Wire harnessing process is started with the formation of a schematic that is used in the creation and formation of the already manufactured paperwork on the board for wire harness.

Wire harnessing is a process which can hardly be automated, however, the process can be carried out with a crimping machine which would be used to crimp terminals on wires, mostly in cases whereby more than one wire is to be fitted into one terminal. For the process to be complete, there must be a process of wire routing or assemblies of wire through any sleeve that is required, the application of wraps, tapes, and ties is also very essential especially in the case of a branch out of wires.

Also, in the assembling of components and cables on a printed circuit board, various tools are needed to assist in a simple and fast configuration.

Automatic wire cutting stripping and crimping machine is been used for easy cutting binding and joining of wires in terminals.

The need for an automatic cable crimping machine is also very necessary for the assembling of cables on the printed circuit board.

Various cable cutting, stripping and crimping machines must be employed for a smooth and easy assembling of components and electronic materials on the printed circuit boards.

In so many electronics and manufacturing industries across the globe, the use of a printed circuit board for ease of production is highly needed and in the assembling of a printed circuit board, various tools and machinery must be available. There are various companies across the globe that are into the business of manufacturing and provision of equipment needed for the manufacturing of goods, however, a quick look at the experience and the portfolio of the company, it is very glaring to know the OEM of these companies. Cheers Electronic Technical Co. Ltd reserves the bragging rights as one of the best in the sales of various electrical and electronic components needed by various manufacturers in the industry, like wire harnessing machines, wire crimping machines, wire stripping machines and much more. Cheers Electronic Technical Co. Ltd has over thirty years of experience in the manufacturing and supply of electronic equipment and it is curtained that our customers get the best beyond their expectations.

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