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How To Choose The Wire Stripping Machine

2019/10/23 13:24:15

Machines are assets which are purchased for investment in the business or personal use. This is because machines bring a greater amount of return and profits. They make the task easy and less time consuming so that time is also invested in other productive activities. That is why we should be very particular and vigilant while choosing machinery or any electronic device. Quality matters a lot. Therefore, for choosing the best machinery suitable for your tasks you need to have some knowledge about it as well. You might get confused if you are a first-timer and as an initial buyer, there are chances of making wrong purchasing decisions.

The best suitable wire stripping machine should also be chosen wisely. You should know about the smart hacks or tips that what important features to look in a wire stripping machine. These small things do matter. They help you to know more about the technicalities. This is because in future you will more aware of any kind of technological advancements made in these machines. For this purpose, there have been some tips and methods discussed which tell how to choose the best wire stripping machine. These hacks also tell that which machine is the best fit for which size of the wire.

Tips to Choose The Best Wire Stripping Machine:

A good machine can make your work easy and in less time. You will be able to perform your tasks in time without getting much exhausted. A good machine will help you to produce more efficiently. For these reasons a good quality machine or tool might be extra-ordinary expensive but it can make huge profits covering the expenses and purchasing costs. Therefore, you should look for the following features while choosing the best wire stripping machine or tool:

1. Low Weight and Compact Size:

Always pick those stripping machines which are lighter in weight and compact in size. These features in the wire stripping machine will help you to insert more copper wires, making the insulator come off completely. They also make sure that there are no remains left while the scrapping of the plastic insulator. These machines are easy to handle and carry as well. They ensure that the user has a firm grip on the handles so that there are fewer chances of any kind of accidents or unnecessary cuts. So, Klein Tools are the best fit for this category. This stripping tool is loin cost but works efficiently. This type of machine helps to get into the tight spaces of the fine wire.

2. Warranty:

The wire stripping machine should have a lifetime warranty. They should be of good quality from a good company. Make sure that whenever you purchase a stripping machine there should be a warranty card given to you. This is because if there is any sort of minor or major issue experienced in the machine then you can easily take the warranty card as proof. This will allow to either exchanging the machine or buying a new one. Otherwise, you will not be able to fix the issue and let your investment in vain.

3. Flexibility and Convenience:

Make sure that the stripping machine you choose is convenient to use and flexible enough in bending the loops. It should be able to crimp the copper wire and remove the plastic insulator much smoothly that the other machines. There should be a proper grip in holding it. for this reason, you should always try a tester machine to understand the technicalities and the best gripping position.

4. Perfect Adjustments of the Screws:

For efficiently stripping the copper wires make sure the screws are fixed tightly and on the correct place. There should be a slide stop so that you can perform the task more efficiently and strip the wires in a bulk quantity. There should be no such material used which can cause rusting in one-time use only. Make sure that the nuts and screws provide sufficient flexibility when moving the handles of the tool or the machine. These screws should be fixed properly so that it does not come out while moving machines.

5. Spring and Non-Spring Versions:

These stripping tools and machines should be available in the spring and non-spring version. This will keep a balance in cutting or stripping the copper wire more efficiently. It prevents from deep scrapping of the insulation. If the plastic insulation is scrapped intensely it might make the wire weak or cut it from the middle. This may lead to wasting the wire and not being able to recycle or reuse it further. The spring and non-spring features also prevent any kind of accident while stripping the wire manually.

6. Should be able to Perform Various Tasks:

The stripping machine should be not only able to only strip the plastic insulator but also cut, crimp, bend and loop all sizes of wires. The machine or tool should be solid enough to handle 12 to 26 AWG wire. It should be strong enough to cut the solid wire easily without applying any extra force or effort. It should be able to manage different sizes of copper wires in bulk quantity to make the entire work efficient and increase the further production process. The blades should be sharp enough to smoothly scrape it without delaying any time.

Some of the Best Wire Stripping Machines:

There are several manuals and automatic wire stripping machines as well which consist of all the above-mentioned tips and qualities. These machines are a bit expensive but they do produce efficient results and good profits. This factor then covers all the major expenses in the future. Some of these best machines are as follows:

·      Klein Tools

·      Irwin Vise-Grip

·      The Strip Meister

These are some of the low budget wire stripping machines which do provide efficient and effective results. They are recommended by most of the manufacturers and dealers. These machines are able to cut, strip, bend and loop several different sizes of wire easily.

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