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How to Remove Insulation from Wire

2019/10/24 12:25:19

INSULATION: Insulation is the outer plastic covering around the wire which protects it from bruise, breakage or any other possible deface.

WIRE: Wires are the metallic threads that are used to conduct or pass currents from one endpoint to another. The wires are protected by the insulator.

Removing wires from insulators can be very tricky and sometimes go wrong quickly, most especially when there is a breakage. Most wire cable can't be rejoined to serve the purpose to which it was created. It is therefore important to know how to properly remove the insulation covering without losing the wire. In this article, well look into how to basically strip wire from insulators and also some tools and techniques for stripping.



To properly strip the wire, you should check out for the type of wire that you are working with. This is very important because some cables are stronger than the other not in quality this time around but in the makeup of the wire which is determined by what purpose it would serve. The gauge of the wire is usually in figures and most times on the insulator covering the wire. You might have a number such as 15/3, 15 being the gauge of the wire.


There are various wire stripping tools and their variety is not simply to you can have lots of options in tools to strip your wire. The varieties exist because they also exist various types of wires too. If you choose the wrong tool for your wire cable, you will end up messing it up or having a hard time shelling the insulator off the wire.


Even when using the right tool, you should understand that the wire cables are very fragile and must be handled with care. All tools and equipment must be handled gently while cutting through the insulator. It is advisable to see how a professional handles a tool or instrument while stripping the wire before you dabble into it. Don't say that the stripping tools and machines are simple to use. if you do not have enough wire to test it and swallow the loss if things go wrong in testing, then make sure you use the help of a professional. However, the


The entire stripping process might have wrinkled the wire and therefore it is important to straighten them such that they become easy to work with again. straightening a stripped wire/cable might be a lot of work to do most especially if it is to be done mechanically. However, most of Automatic Wire Cut And Strip Machines come with straighter.


1. Multi-core Cable Peeling Machine - CSC-800HT

The CSC-800HT is a Special machine for stripping the outer jacket and inner core of multi-core round cable, multi-core flat cable, single-core wire, all at the same time. The machine has a cutting length of 100-99999mm and a fascinating belt feeding line that ensures precision in the flow of the cables. The end product if every cable processed with the CSC-800BT Is a neat cut and stable peeling quality. It can save up-to 100 kind of program settings which helps to reduce time and material waste while debugging. A 7-inch user interface display allow easy control of the machine to deliver efficiently.

2. Heavy Duty Wire Stripping Machine CSC -600Max2

The CSC -600Max2 is a special machine made for the stripping and cutting of power cord, sheathed wire, large square cable. It has a 8-wheel design function that ensures that the wire are stable during processing to reduce machine errors significantly. With a stripping length  0~120mm and 0~100mm, head and end respectively, the machine has a processing power of about 3000-6000 pieces per hour. The language display comes with in Chinese and English, making user interaction more seamless with global usefulness.

3. Large Wire Stripping Machine QB 315

The QB 315 is a specially designed wire stripping machine for large cables. It can strip up to 20mm cable size. It can process multi conductor cables and power cables. Since different cable sizes need different blades, the machine comes with the function to change blades accordingly. I stripping length of up-to 150mm of cables can be worked effectively with the QB 315.

4. Cable Jacket Stripping Machine CSC-800XL

The CSC-800XL is specialized for the cutting, stripping and processing of energy cables of size range between 35-120SQMM. It has an auxiliary wheel device at the front and rear rollers that helps to reduce the stress of the technician operating the machine. Allows for the processing of up to 100mm cable length and a cutting length of 250-99999mm. It has a 1500pcs per hour operating strength. The user interface language  has both Chinese and English as an option.

5. Powered Electric Wire Stripping Machine CSC -508Max2

The CSC-508Max2 is a heavy duty wire stripping machine that is specially designed to process large gauge wires and big diameter cables. it has the capacity to process up to 75mm² wires and Max. 18mm O.D. cables. Examples of Heavy duty cables it can work with are  electronic wires, silicone wires, Teflon wires and braided wires. It can work on 4000-6000 pieces of cables per hour.


1. Thermal Wire Stripping

The Thermal stripping method involves the use of heat to strip the insulator off the wire. There are two methods in which this could be possible; First, the wire cables with the insulator covering are placed under a heated condition such that the insulator begins to soften and the can now run under the blades easily or the second which is that the blades are first heated and then the insulated wire is made to run under it.The heat can be automatically regulated to the thickness of the insulator of each wire.

2. Mechanical Wire Stripping

This method has proven to be useful over the years as it is known to be fast as getting the work in no time. The design of the blade is such that the insulator under the machine to get an opening which is enough to allow the content of the insulator to pop out without any further manual labor.

4. Chemical Wire Stripping

The chemical stripping method basically involves the exposure of the insulated wire to chemical material which softens the insulator. The wire cables are not affected in any way by the chemical but the entire process must be conducted under the tutelage of a professional. The process is to first expose the wire to a chemical stripping agent and then to a chemically weaponized type of alcohol and neutralizer; all which does the work of softening the insulator gradually until the layer now becomes thin.

4. Laser Wire Stripping

The laser wire stripping method is usually employed when the engineer or technician needs a very accurate insulator cutting process. Laser wire stripping is basically known for its accuracy in cutting through insulators of cable wire and is usually owned by large companies who are hugely automated in the system and cannot for any reason allow redundancy or wastage at all.

5. Advanced Stripping Machine

Advanced stripping machines are hugely automated wire or cable stripping which has a super-intelligent microprocessor that allows the taking of the littlest form of instruction in cutting through the insulator of the wire cable. Cheers have designed this equipment to help technicians or engineers to get their work done under the highest possible specified conditions.

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